Download Ninja is a file download manager that helps speed up the rate at which you download files from the Internet. You can also use it to resume downloading files that have failed, been paused, or been interrupted. The downloads go faster because the program divides each file into several parts, which download in parallel via a different connection from your server, resulting in a much more efficient process.
Download Ninja also lets you resume any downloads that were cut off due to a loss of Internet connection or any other problem. The file will keep downloading from the point it left off so you won't have to restart the download from zero.
One of the features of this tool is that it lets you play certain multimedia files even before they have finished downloading. The app also includes a tool that automatically changes the video format once you have the files downloaded.
Download Ninja is a super useful tool with an endless array of additional features, such as the option to download files directly from YouTube, Vimeo, and Soundcloud; to schedule a date and time for file downloads to begin and end; and to check the files you've downloaded for any malware or viruses.
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